Q: How do I get to XYO World or the XYO World Auctions?
Be sure to have your Web3 wallet set up and ready to use before visiting this link.
Q: The geotokens are so expensive, how will I ever get any?
A: Not to worry! The prices are going to go down a lot. The divisions of the XYO World geotokens are exponential. Each new generation multiplies by four. That looks something like this in a mere ten generations:
4 > 16 > 64 > 256 > 1,024 > 4,096 > 16,384 > 65,536 > 262,144 > 1,048,576
Geotoken Zero (the single global geotoken held by XYO) becomes the Big Four, which becomes over a million geotokens after just ten generational bids.
And those millions are still large enough to be very meaningful. At that tenth generation, the quadtile representing your geotoken is still about 486.5 kilometers square, which is around half the size of XYO's hometown of San Diego, California's second largest city.
You'll be able to get geotokens that matter to you before long!
Q: I bid but didn't get back a full 8% of the next bid when I was overbid?
A: Our verbiage on this was confusing and we've since corrected it. The math was implemented correctly in the XYO World smart contract, but the rules incorrectly implied that the user who was out-bid would get 8% of the next bidder's entire bid. That's not the case, they get 8% of the next bidder's overbid (meaning the difference between their own bid and the next bid).
The smart contract was designed to work this way, but we misstated how it worked. We're sorry about that!
Q: What are the benefits of owning or buying a geotoken?
A: XYO World is a staking system, similar to any other blockchain staking system, but based on location rather than a network or a node. If you're not familiar with blockchain staking, it would definitely be a good subject to familiarize yourself with before participating in XYO World.
We can't yet discuss the specifics of staking rewards in XYO World. The first use case will be XY's popular app COIN. We will release more details to everyone when they're available.
Q: Can I use Trust wallet with XYO World?
A: If your version of the Trust mobile wallet has Web3 functionality (meaning a dapp browser), yes you can. However, not all versions of the Trust app has this feature.
Make sure your mobile wallet of choice has Web3/dapp browsing capabilities and use the app as your browser when visiting XYO World. If you find yourself having difficulty, the best possible experience with XYO World is desktop. We recommend using XYO World with Chrome and the MetaMask browser extension, where available.
Do you have a question that wasn't covered here? Let us know!