If you want to buy XYO Tokens, you can buy them from an exchange.
Check out Coin Market Cap for a list of exchanges that sell XYO Tokens:
Note: If you do buy XYO Tokens with an exchange, please note that XY does NOT offer any support for issues or bugs with exchanges, exchange wallets, etc. You will need to communicate with that exchange's support team.
Your Favorite Exchange
Check our CoinMarketCap for a list of exchanges that trade XYO. XYO is traded on some of the largest exchanges in the world, including Coinbase, Crypto.com, KuCoin, Gate.io, Huobi, Uniswap, and many more!
See which exchanges are trading XYO!
You can earn XYO tokens for free using the COIN app! To learn more, visit coinapp.co.
Learn about redeeming COIN for XYO.