The value of XY Labs Stock on tZERO is determined by market behaviors and changes. For the most up-to-date price, please visit tZERO's XY Labs Stock page:
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You may be asking, why would someone else be interested in buying them? What will you eventually get out of owning your shares?
If XY were to be sold to a larger company – as is the usual goal with startups like XY – your shares would have the same value as the shares owned by XY or any other shareholder. And all shares also have value in the form of XY's assets, which is the value of everything owned by the company, including both physical and intellectual property.
Important: It is against SEC regulations to discuss internal planning with anyone outside the company on an individual level. All shareholders must be notified publicly or simultaneously of any changes which might affect the value of their shares. XY staff will never be able to provide status updates on such changes. If you ask any questions about when, how, or whether there is an IPO, our staff will not be able to answer.
XY is not able to give financial advice of any kind – please consult your financial advisor if you have any questions or concerns about your portfolio. If you have any questions about the company, please feel free to contact us using Submit a Request above, or see our SEC filings and semi-annual reports here.
To learn more about Regulation A+, please check out this article.